Tuesday, December 9, 2008


My name is Rebecca. I created this website as an Awareness Project for a women's studies class I'm taking this semester. There were many topics to choose from but I chose to raise awareness about motherhood. Not only motherhood but also women who are single mothers and who are having a tough time.

Here's my story. Last year, I found out I was pregnant. At that point in time I was 20 years old. As you may imagine it was a happy and confusing time. I decided that moving back in with my parents would be the best thing for my baby and myself. It turns out they have been the most supportive of all. I was unemployed and pregnant. This is where my journey to motherhood began. I talked to my sister and she gave me numbers to call. I was and still am embarrassed that I need help but for the sake of my daughter, I'm not to proud to ask for help. I enrolled in Badgercare and WIC; both are very beneficial programs and hopefully one day I will be able to give back to them. Spring of 2008 came around and I enrolled in school again. I only took 2 classes, but I successfully completed both of them which is just one more step in the right direction. Finally it was July 4th and my healthy baby girl was born. At first, it was all overwhelming. I remember being in the hospital by myself wondering if I would be a good mom. I think I can safely say now that I am a good mom and am learning new things everyday. Of course it's a challenge and some days are better than others but I have learned a lot about myself. This fall of 2008, I enrolled in 4 more classes. I'm still unemployed but have been applying for jobs since late summer/early fall. Although, I have a job interview tomorrow, cross your fingers for me. For labeling purposes solely, I am a single mother. My beautiful daughter, Roselin, is now 5 months old. It's hard being a single parent but even harder than that is the way people treat you. No, things in my life haven't gone as planned and I try everyday to be better than I was the day before. Yes, I need public assistance but I'm trying to better myself so that I only need help temporarily. People treat me differently depending on what they know about me. For example, some workers at the hospital have treated me with less courtesy than other customers, while at school I'm treated as any other student would be. Luckily for me, I believe it's the hard times that make us better people. Every person matters.

I invite you to share your own story.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Becky,
I know all too well the judgment that you face for choosing to use public assistance. I started my journey to motherhood young and single, and even though I did eventually end up marrying my son's father it was a hard road getting to that point. I feel that there is no shame in using the programs that are in place to help mothers. As you know through the learning in this class our government should actually be doing more to help. It is unfortunate that there is such a bad stigma attached with WIC etc.., but as you said hard times make you a stronger, better person and also a more grateful, understanding mother. Good luck in your future endeavors. Summer Marr